A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: English article. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: English article. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
Detectives analysed 380 DNA sample, they checked call histories and they even looked up bus drivers because Kubatov Gábor ( president of Ferencváros, member of FIDESZ) was feeling threatened and he felt that his family was in danger. For this reason he asked detectives and the police to investigate about the situation. According to a Hungarian...

Defending our borders: Waiting for orders Aggressive refugees are attacking our borders. Some of them may be refugees who want mosques instead of churches and burka instead of skirts. We need to defend our country and Europe again like we always did in our 1000 years old history even if we will not get nothing in return like before.. We...

The Dutch police and the Hungarian mafia will monitor the supporters of Ferencváros together On Thursday, Ferencváros will play Go Ahead Eagleas. Ferencváros received 370 tickets which can only be bought through to the board. The problems are that the fans cannot access these tickets because of their idiot president therefore it is expected that...

Hungarian Liberal media (hir24.hu) made the interview with Ferencváros Capo : He is the leader of the Ferencváros ultras: Capo who leads Ferencváros outside of the stadium. The Capo, who got banned by Kubatov Gábor. The Capo who stands against vein scanner and organises demonstration with 6000 people attending. Interview with Ádam Hamberger: ...

Ferencvaros is just the start… If it is not clear then we are here to help. The scanner is a business and nothing else. It is a business which means that it is a lot of money for someone. When it got public that the vein scanner will be introduced at Groupama then some people from Ferencvaros’s Ultras group found the maker of this vein scanner....

Még a boltokban meg sem jelent az újság , "nekünk" már elküldték előre is a lengyel lap szerkesztői ,így le lett fordítva ... köszönjük az újabb erőfeszítéseket somebodytoldme . Minden a vadonat új, modern stadionnal kezdődött. A szurkolók elbúcsúztak a régi Albert Flórián után elnevezett stadiontól – legendás ferencvárosi játékos aki egész...

Supporters Without Privacy PART I. http://hungaryultras.blogspot.hu/2014/07/supporters-without-privacy-without.html Meanwhile writing the first part of the report I’ve already known we will have to write about it again. We introduced you a lot of names and events already happened before the start of our championship. So Hungarian League started...