Magyar Kupa 5.forduló , 1.mérkőzés
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FTC - UTE 0-0
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Ferencvárosiak :

"There is no othe solution, if it brokes, if it tears ,If I don't know what to do, everyone has to work hard
If blood has to flow ,Then blood has to flow and we have to win at home."

" Rivals : Ustawka someone ?? "

Újpestiek :

Újpestiek útközben a Puskás stadionhoz.
A M0-on kis kényszerű pihenő után, felszállt néhány jómadár, majd elvittek három 20 év körüli srácot, mert beverték a tetőt. 

Entry and card system. According to new laws you have to give your personal datas if you want to buy a ticket, also you have to show your ID card when you buy or when you enter the stadium. Security also has much more space to take your ID, etc. A couple stadiums have the system and soon all of them will have. Ujpest also have a very high category camera system, just like the UK. One guy is in the jail 'thanks' to it (... well he dropped a big steel shit into the head of a police officer, so he would get to jail in every county, but the case showed nothing stays hidden). Most of the groups boycotting, a couple of them thinks (as I see CORRECTLY) it is useless.

Fidelity always disliked the UVB, called them traitors. They said UVB brings shame to their club in past few years. So Fidelity thought it is time to dismiss them from the leading position.
UVB did not like that Fidelity broke the boycott and went back to the sector and restart supporting on their place. There were couple incidents outside the stadium, then they had an arranged meeting where Fidelity beat UVB in a fight.

Úgy mint ősszel megint csak a Viola Fidelity képviselte az újpesti színeket ,de mellette még a Korps is ott volt .